Day 24: Ledigos to Bercianos Real del Camino (26.4 km)

Grey and cloudy day, on a dirt footpath parallel to a highway, which is great for efficiently moving through the kilometers, although some people bemoan the monotony of it. Music helps pass the time. The big excitement was passing the halfway mark!


After we entered Sahagun and passed the train station where I departed a year ago, I was in new territory. Here’s a pretty view from a bridge leaving that city.


My usual walking partner and I have developed a routine of walking 20 km and then deciding that we can manage another 5 or 6 km IF we have the guarantee of private rooms at the end of the day. So I telephone ahead and reserve rooms. Many places are closed at this time of year, so it is reassuring to know that when we arrive in town at 6 pm, there is acceptable accommodation. Our typical day starts with breakfast at 8:30 and walking at about 9:30. On the flat stages of the meseta, we walk at a good 4 km/hour including minor breaks. Including a longer break or two, 3 km/h is the rate for the day, over 8 hours.


The Hostal Rivero will soon close for the winter. The Camino is the main industry in these towns.


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