Day 15. Ponte Ulla to Santiago (22 km)

Final day on the Camino Invierno, and I set off with my 3 amigos after a delayed breakfast. (The server didn’t show up until 7:20, so there was a horde of impatient pilgrims at the door to the dining room!) During the morning, I struggled to decide between my rain jacket/pants and just umbrella. Of…

Day 14. Silleda to Ponte Ulla (18 km)

This morning the kitchen at the Hotel Eco Nos opened at 8:30. Since I had reserved a place in Ponte Ulla for tonight, I could take my time and enjoy the breakfast – probably the best I’ve had yet. There was a light rain for much of the day, but 17°C, so I didn’t use…

Day 12. Rodeiro to Lalín (24 km)

Not too much to say here but lots to look at. It was another nice walking day. I like to look at people’s veggie gardens, as well as the animals and larger agriculural activities. Today we saw what was probably a granite quarry. Granite features very prominently in all construction – from fence posts to…