Book review: “A Sense of Direction” by Gideon Lewis-Kraus

This book describes the young (30ish?)author’s experience doing 3 pilgrimages: El Camino in Spain (Catholic), 88 temples on the Japanese island of Shikoku (Buddhist) and a Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage of Hasids in Ukraine (Jewish) Lewis-Kraus writes extremely well and has a bizarre sense of humour that I enjoyed. However, he went a little overboard at times…

Book review: The Old Patagonian Express, by Paul Theroux

The Old Patagonian Express, published in 1979, describes Paul Theroux’s trip, mainly by train, from Boston to the southern part of South America, so he could write a book about it. He was already an experienced traveller and writer of fiction and nonfiction, and spoke Spanish quite well. The book is not your typical travel…

Book review: The Custodian of Paradise, by Wayne Johnston

The Custodian of Paradise is brilliantly written, very complex, and full of intricately woven themes. However, it is very heavy in spirit. I am not sure I’d recommend this book to everyone,  but I intend to try another one of Wayne Johnston’s books. Looking for a review of the book, I found a  defense of fiction as travel…